New Smyrna Speedway Dirt Track

The ‘Dirt Track’ on the Hill
Community Kart Club:

2013 Schedule:

Friday August 16th – Official Results
Friday August 30th – Racing
Friday September 6th – Practice
Friday September 13th – Racing
Friday September 27th – Racing
Friday October 4th – Practice
Friday October 11th – Racing
Friday November 9th – Racing
Friday November 23rd – Racing
Friday December 7th – Racing
Friday December 21st – Racing

Contact Info:

On race day, contact Glenn Carter 386-299-5040 or Chuck Carter 386-451-9046 for questions.

2013 Kart Rules:

1.  General:

Community Kart Club at New Smyrna Speedway is a not for profit corporation dedicated to providing a quality dirt kart racing venue at an affordable rate. Our efforts will always be to provide a friendly, family oriented atmosphere with an emphasis on skill, preparedness, and sportsmanship.

Any  conduct of drivers, pit crew, family, or spectators that is not becoming of a friendly, family oriented atmosphere will NOT be tolerated. This includes cursing at ANYONE, abuse of staff or facilities, alcohol consumption before final race of the event is over or ANY type of illegal drugs. Violators will be immediately escorted off the premises. Repeat offenders will be barred from entry and/or participation.

All technical rules will be current AKRA rules unless specified otherwise.

Gate will open on race day at 5:45pm.
Registration will start at 6:00pm.
Practice will start at 7:00pm.
Racing will start following driver’s   meeting at 8:00pm.

There will be NO refunds. In the event of a rainout, armbands will be used for entry to next event only.
All karts must be numbered with contrasting colors (light on dark or dark on light) on all four sides- no duct tape allowed for numbers.
NO relief drivers allowed at any time.
All drivers must be registered before going on the track.
NO driving in the pits!! All karts will be started in grid area and shut off prior to entering tech/scale building.
No spectators allowed in grid area, tech area, or track exit area.

2.  Tires:

We DO have a spec tire rule. All classes will run on Maxxis EL tires. This is a very durable, very affordable racing tire. No grooving is allowed. No re-capping is allowed. We reserve the right to inspect and disallow the tires of any competitor at any time.

*NOTE:  Rookie competitors may run any racing slick tire for their first few events.

3.  Classes:

To maximize track time (laps run) of each competitor, we race a limited number of classes.
All classes are BOX STOCK PROJECT (BSP).
We currently allow Briggs LO 206 with big pipe to race against BSP with small pipe (in each age bracket/class).

Classes are as follows:

Rookie  5-7.  BSP 260lbs red plate
Junior 1 8-10 BSP 270lbs purple plate
Junior 2 11-12 BSP 290lbs blue plate
Junior 3 13-14 BSP 340lbs non-rest.
BSP 1 15&over 375lbs non-rest.
BSP Sr. Over 35 400lbs non-rest.
Rookie and Junior classes race (2) 10 lap heats, and (1) 25 lap feature.
BSP 1 & Sr. Classes race (2) 25 lap heats and (1) 50 lap feature

4.  Safety:

All drivers must wear a helmet – Snell 2005 minimum rating.
All drivers must wear a jacket, gloves, eye protection, neck brace, long pants, and closed toe shoes.
All karts must pass a safety inspection prior to competing.
EMT personnel must be trackside before any karts are allowed on the track.

5. Race Director’s Rules:

We DO NOT protect the leader, however, ANY contact with the leader, or any other competitor, that results in a spin or caution, will result in BOTH, or ALL involved going to the rear of the field for the restart. This is an impartial  call made by the race director and/or flagman, scorers, and other monitoring personnel. ANY hostile reaction or retaliation will result in an immediate black flag on participant/s. These calls will not be made without occasional human error, so please race cleanly and avoid a call altogether.

Yellow Flag / Caution: SLOW DOWN, remain in position in single file and DO NOT PASS. Position will be corrected by scorers before the restart.

Red Flag / Stop: Bring your kart to a complete stop as soon as safely possible.

We understand that in the event of an accident on the track that the family of involved competitors will be extremely concerned, but to avoid further accidents NO ONE will be allowed to enter the race track until ALL karts have come to a complete stop, and then ONLY the immediate family members of participant/s.

All initial starts will be made by Flagman. There will be two attempts at a double file start. If this does not result in a successful start then it will be a single file start.

All restarts will be single file, and will be initiated by the leader at the point of his/her choice between turn 4 and Start/Finish line. Pushing will not be tolerated.

You may not pass on starts or restarts until after crossing Start/Finish line. Violators will be sent to the rear of the field.

In the event if a stalled engine or a chain coming off (mechanical malfunctions), two caution laps will be given to correct it and restart. If unsuccessful, kart will be removed from the track and not scored any further in that race. If successful, kart will restart at the rear of the field. If a kart stalls or is shut off during a Red Flag, you WILL be given opportunity to restart your engine and restart in position without penalty.

Any driver wishing to exit the track during a race or practice MUST signal and move to the outside of the track. If you exit during a race, you will NOT be allowed to re-enter the track at any time during that race.

Rough or overly aggressive driving will NOT be tolerated. You WILL BE given the Black Flag and not allowed to return to that race.

There will be NO adjustments allowed during red flag conditions.

ALL participants (drivers/handlers/parents) must be present at Driver’s meeting.